APECS is a not-for-profit organisation

We welcome you to APECS, the Association for Professional Executive Coaching & Supervision

APECS is a small, connected community of business-focused coaching, team coaching and supervision practitioners


 APECS welcomes new members into Community Membership (£130).

We also encourage continuing your developmental journey with us, through our dialogic, stretching accreditation process, focused on reflection rather than competencies.

Become a member of our reflective community, then consider further accreditation whenever that feels relevant to you.

Coach Qualities

Our accreditation approach is based on who you are, on your capabilities, exploring your practice and your core capacities, rather than being competency-focused. We have always required supervision to be a cornerstone of your practice as a coach.

Dialogic Process

We invite members to engage in a dialogic journey to accreditation; a journey of integrated learning through reflective practice in dialogue with other members. It is an inquiry-based journey of thinking and presence not a presentation.

Business Focused

Our approach requires coaches to demonstrate a deep understanding of organisations, multiple psychology-based approaches and a practical understanding of how humans work at their best.

 We invite experienced coaches, team coaches, HR professionals, supervisors and all in our field who have an interest in being part of a reflective, developmental community, to shape the future together with us.

We encourage you all to join our conversations and to expand our collective wisdom.

 Apply for APECS Membership

 Apply for Community Membership £130

To become an APECS Member, with all its benefits, click here.

APECS Events

Join us for an Event

To join us for a workshop or inquiry session, please look here.

Apply for APECS Accreditation

 Apply for Accreditation

If you feel ready to apply for Accreditation, explore here.