Wisdom in the Field

Exploring and capturing dynamically how this field evolves and expands


Wisdom, considered the highest level of enlightenment, is more critical than ever. The world needs practitioners, leaders and learners who thoughtfully experiment, review and courageously implement innovative thinking.


We believe that developmental practices enable a rich perspective on what is emerging and growing in the field of coaching and supervision, whilst also fostering practical learning in relevant and impactful practices.

APECS wisdom in the field


We warmly encourage you to actively participate and contribute your unique insights and experience. This way we will continue to progress our individual and collective wisdom in the field of coaching and supervision.


Our website provides an interactive space and a repository for our community of practitioners to connect, collaborate, reflect and acquire new wisdom.

APECS Wise Blog

Wise Blog

Thought pieces from members and comments

APECS Wise Reads

Wise Reads

Useful library of articles and references

APECS Wise Labs

Wise Labs

Live inquiry and research projects in the field

APECS Wise World

Wise World

Ambassadors share thinking from around the globe

APECS Wise Team

Wise Team

Our Wisdom Team curates, inquires and will publish its thinking