APECS Community Membership
APECS Community Membership Information and Application
We are business focused, inquiring practitioners
APECS members are typically very experienced in business-focused coaching and supervision.
Our events and gatherings are collaborative, reflective inquiries enabling the insights and wisdom in the community to be shared, expanded and deepened, rather than instructive teaching of particular models or fixed views. We explore and expand together more than listen to experts.
We are a small and engaged community
We are a close, intimate international community, with a membership in the hundreds not thousands. This provides many opportunities for collaboration, joint activities and interest groups, to expand our thinking beyond any orthodoxy, sharing our practical experiences as well as exploring theoretical principles.
We are free of commercial interests
We are a volunteer-led, not-for-profit organisation, run by members for the benefit of all members. This frees us from commercial interests, such as selling programmes to gain particular qualifications and accreditations.
As an APECS Community Member you will be able to join in all our events at discounted or no cost. We will also invite you to create and lead events of your own, sharing your wisdom, research, ideas and practices.
We seek to expand our collective influence
We will invite you to use the APECS Community Member logo on your email, website and LinkedIn page, to acknowledge your contribution to our community. We would love you to publish, comment and share posts on LinkedIn with APECS, so that we all increase our visibility and expand the wisdom in our field. We highly value diverse views and experiences that characterise our approach and that we all bring. -
We support our ongoing development
Our ambition is to continue to develop the quality and visibility of our collective wisdom and voice. We aim to deepen collective understanding, to shape professional standards and promote the use of coaching in new and expanded ways.
We are committed to reflective practice
At APECS’ heart, is a deep commitment to continuing our personal and professional development, including a strong commitment to regular professional supervision. We actively encourage each other to do our inner personal work, in order to better serve our wider work.We see accreditation as developmental
We encourage expanding your developmental journey through our very much valued dialogic processes of accreditation, which are personally guided and supported by members. These focus on you and your reflections on your practice, rather than on ticking off competencies and hours.

We look forward to welcoming you as an APECS Community Member and invite you to complete the following application form and declaration.