Lilian Abrams

APECS Lilian Abrams

Dr. Abrams uses her Ph.D./MBA, 25 years in the field, and deep commitment to clients to quickly engage leaders' trust and help them see tangible results from their growth. Lilian is warm, practical, thoughtful, and results-oriented. She works especially well with high-achieving, technical and/or multi-cultural leaders.


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Experience as an Executive Coach:

My life-long fascination with people and business has led to 25 years of learning, coaching, and improving organizational life. My academic degrees are the bedrock, upon which is laid many years of practical experience. I bring to clients my respectful, curious, direct, warm personal interest; applicable knowledge and examples; and a deep commitment to their success. They span senior executives to front-line managers - often, VPs and Executive Directors. Sectors and functions include - well, all of them. Typical coaching areas include: Enhancing Executive Presence; Strategic Influencing and Communications; Building Networks; Displaying Strategic Acumen; Managing Change; Developing and Coaching Others; and others, unique to the person.