Rebecca Stevens
Rebecca is an experienced leadership and organisation development coach, supervisor, consultant and facilitator. She is passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to make sustainable change, think independently and be the best they can be. She brings a systemic perspective to coaching which stems from her earlier career, working as a psychologist and family therapist across various clinical settings.
About my Practice:
Leadership and organisational development coach, supervisor, consultant and facilitator across a diverse range of organisations and industries.
Cover a broad geography through both virtual and face to face delivery, including the South West of England, London, other UK locations, as well as some overseas work.
Through virtual work, currently providing some coaching on a global basis.
Experience as a Practising Executive Coach:
Has been an executive coach since 1999.
Experience includes coaching others across a multitude of contexts including leadership, career and transition coaching.
Experienced at providing coaching both as an internal (full time employee of the organisation and part of role includes being a coach) and external coach.
Business and organisational experience:
Approximately 25 years’ experience working as a psychologist across clinical and business settings.
Worked as a leadership and organisational development coach, consultant and facilitator since 1999 in both industry based and consulting roles across a diverse range and size of organisations (20-80,000 people).
Focus has been on leadership and organisation development, talent management, change management, employee engagement and performance management
Industry roles have included working in a number of blue chip and global organisations including BP, Deloitte and Kimberly-Clark.
Equally comfortable working with smaller organisations and recent clients include organisations with as few as 20 employees.
Qualifications and training:
MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change (Henley Business School)
Masters of Business Administration (Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Sydney)
BSc Honours Psychology (University of Aberdeen)
Currently undertaking Certificate in Supervisory Coaching (Bath Consulting Group)
GE Change Acceleration Process (Coach Accreditation)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
Certified in a range of psychometrics including Hogan, MBTI, 16PF, two measures of Emotional Intelligence (EQi and Emotional Capitalist) and the Leadership Development Framework
Geography where I offer my services:
Cover a broad geography through both virtual and face to face delivery, including the South West of England, London, other UK locations, as well as some overseas work.
Through virtual work, currently providing some coaching on a global basis.
Particular preferences and coaching strengths:
Brings a systemic perspective to coaching which stems from her earlier career, working as a psychologist and family therapist across various clinical settings.
When working with individuals, teams and organisations, looks holistically at the situation and explores sustainable change rather than looking for a ‘quick fix’.
Particularly enjoys helping individuals explore what motivates them and how to transform towards the next level, both personally and professionally.
When working with organisations, works at her best when supporting them through cultural and transformational change.
Takes a pragmatic and commercial approach, and is focused on helping add value to the organisation.