Duncan Lewin - Finance


Duncan Lewin - Finance


My approach to my coaching and supervision practice

Duncan is taking on the finance role on the APECS board, using skills from his first career as a chartered accountant. In the coaching field, he is particularly passionate about team coaching, both in how we evolve as practitioners and how organisations understand and use it. He is also studying board effectiveness through the Tavistock Certificate in board dynamics.

Outside of working life, he has recently rekindled a love for outdoor adventures and is targeting the Mont Blanc trail for 2025.


What APECS means to me

Since being introduced to APECS several years ago by my supervisor, I have found the professional coaching association I was looking for – somewhere to hold inquiry and free thinking around our fascinating and complex profession. When at online events or our in-person gatherings at Henley, I really value meeting like-minded practitioners who take our work seriously and enjoy exploring ourselves, clients and impact upon the world. I have led our team coach gatherings for the last year and am especially interested in developing this community within APECS.

Examples of coaching work

I work with executive teams, boards and leaders. I have a focus on team coaching and have worked with client teams through and post-restructuring, merger, divestment and acquisition. I am also excited to see opportunities for our profession to further offer ‘team of teams’ work and board effectiveness services, both of which I think have tremendous value in the continual change cycles we see in many client organisations. My work is strongly informed by psychodynamics and I enjoy deepening my learnings about the human phenomena thrown up when we work in groups and teams. I also have many multinational clients and am often working with them on how they can best collaborate and communicate across cultures and timezones.


Qualifications and Experience

MSc Team & Exec Coaching, Ashridge

Certificate in Board Dynamics, Tavistock (completing 2024)

Certified Professional Exec Coach, APECS

Chartered Accountant, ICAEW

BA Industrial Economics, Nottingham

Allie Astell

I founded Manage My Website back in 2009, building our first ever website on Squarespace 5. Since then I’ve created and project managed more websites on this platform than I could ever have imagined.


Anna Brown - Board Director


Julia Tybura - Co-Chair